It’s likely you already know the difference between good copy and bad copy if you’ve been using search engines to look for relevant information on the web. Nothing is more frustrating than visiting a site to find targeted information only to find the info on that site vague. These websites are usually filled with information you don’t need and the content that is available is badly structured and poorly written. Treat the visitors to your site better and offer content that doesn’t make them feel turned down when they view your page. This is why your site needs to be optimized for the most current keywords along with high quality, relevant content. This can be done in a number of ways. While you’re about to learn the ins and outs of SEO copywriting, you must understand that SEO copywriting takes effort. You can’t just use an article spinning software to create your content, but instead you need to skillfully write copy that makes sense to human readers as well as search engines.
For long term results, you must maintain a high content to code ratio when it comes to your SEO. First, you should know what a content to code ratio is. It’s the content to code ratio that exists on your page. To check this, you can view the source code on the page, which will show you the HTML code. Your text must be higher than the HTML code, to get a good ratio. Search engines totally love this if you get it right. Make sure your site is clean, with more content and less code, and you’ll rank better with the search engines.
Now that you know what to do, here’s what to avoid when writing web copy. Don’t use flash; it really goes against your goal of high ranking. Flash doesn’t go along with SEO in any way. The sooner you realize that Flash doesn’t’ go with SEO in anyway, the better. Search engines are unable to read flash and, besides, it takes too long to load.
Apart from this, any info that is embedded into a Flash file won’t be indexed by the search engines. The entire concept of search engine optimization is to make your content more readable for the search engines. Flash will also drive away your visitors, which means it’s not a good idea to use it on your site.
Finally, use at the most 4-5 keywords in your file names. To help with SEO, make sure you include keywords in your file name. Not only that, but it’s smart to use these keywords in the directory where the file is located.
If you want to get the most out of your website, and you want to get the most traffic, you should aim to write content in the most creative way without ignoring the search engines.