Human beings have an innate love for stories, something that seems to be universal for most people. Stories are used in all cultures and have been for a very long time, a lot of stories were shared before written language so that’s the only way. Marketers have utilized the idea of using stories in their marketing strategies for years on end now. Even though IM’ers understand the power of stories, very few of them use them as effectively as they should. Maybe that is due to the fact that you have to write in order to tell a story, in general. It is at least worth testing out writing stories, even if you do not believe that you have the skills to do so. You might surprise yourself!

When you are writing content and doing article marketing, the one thing you must do first is publish the articles on your own site or blog. Publishing your content on your website is very important! You have to do this before anything else if you want any actual results from it. Writing articles is not about creating content for some other website that you own, or helping the article directories build content. Sometimes those who are new think they have to publish all unique articles in directories, and that is not the case, nor should it be. You will be expected to get it up onto your site before submitting it anywhere else.

For any type of business, and virtually any type of marketing, I’ve told you how useful stories can be. Using a story, you can really draw people in and get them reading! Why is that? Answering this question is not something that you can do with a paragraph, even if you try. Just like movies or books, we enjoy stories because they provide some form of entertainment while sometimes also teaching us. Most stories in any kind of religious text are there purely to send you some kind of message. In those stories, you focus more on the meaning of the words than what they literally say. Using stories to express messages is something that has been done for centuries if not even longer. When we embrace the story that we hear, we become open to the messages presented in the story format. You need to take about your own marketing strategies and business – how can you stories?

Next, you need to submit articles to the top directories (not thousands of them) and wait for the traffic to come in. Never just leave things there and hope somebody will pick up your article. You should be aggressive about finding syndication sites where your content could end up. It is important that you tried to get the attention of these websites, trying to get them to syndicate your content each and every time. Be proactive about your marketing and try to do as much as you can yourself. The work that you do, unless you have a partner, is always up to you. But if not, then you must take strong action to get your content as much exposure as possible. Also don’t forget to focus on the SEO side of things. Your posts need to be titled and tagged properly, you need to have a fair amount of keywords in your articles, things like that!

This process is not complicated at all. In fact, you will not find very many IM products on the topic of syndication. The most challenging part for most people usually comes with writing the articles. Marketing the articles is actually the easy part. People that put in the effort can do both the marketing and the writing themselves. It is actually not that hard to write – with a little practice, you will improve day by day.

How to Make Article Marketing Effective
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